Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies (Cyberlearning)

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    47.041, 47.070, 47.075, 47.076

    Funder Type

    Federal Government

    IT Classification

    B - Readily funds technology as part of an award


    National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering, Directorate for Education & Human Resources, Directorate for Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences, Directorate for Engineering


    The purpose of the Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies program is to integrate opportunities offered by emerging technologies with advances in what is known about how people learn to advance three interconnected thrusts:

    • Innovation: inventing and improving next-generation genres (types) of learning technologies, identifying new means of using technology for fostering and assessing learning, and proposing new ways of integrating learning technologies with each other and into learning environments to foster and assess learning;
    • Advancing understanding of how people learn in technology-rich learning environments:enhancing understanding of how people learn and how to better foster and assess learning, especially in technology-rich learning environments that offer new opportunities for learning and through data collection and computational modeling of learners and groups of learners that can be done only in such environments; and
    • Promoting broad use and transferability of new genres: extracting lessons from experiences with these technologies that can inform design and use of new genres across disciplines, populations, and learning environments; advancing understanding of how to foster learning through effective use these new technologies and the environments they are integrated into.

    The intention of this program is to advance technologies that specifically focus on the experiences of learners; innovations that simply focus on making teaching easier will not be funded. Proposals that focus on teachers or facilitators as learners are invited; the aim in these proposals should be to help teachers and facilitators learn to make the learning experiences of learners more effective. Proposals are expected to address all three of the program's thrusts. Of particular interest are technological advances that

    • foster deep understanding of content coordinated with masterful learning of practices and skills;
    • draw in and encourage learning among populations not served well by current educational practices; and/or
    • provide new ways of assessing understanding, engagement, and capabilities of learners. It is expected that research funded by this program will shed light on how technology can enable new forms of educational practice. This program does not support proposals that aim simply to implement and evaluate a particular software application or technology in support of a specific course.

    History of Funding

    None is available

    Additional Information

    Every proposal is expected to address all three of the program’s thrusts: innovation, advancing understanding of learning in technology-rich learning environments, and promoting generalizability and transferability of new technological genres. While the three thrusts are listed separately, it is important to note that they are highly interconnected, and it is expected that these three parts of every proposal will be interconnected. Technological innovations, for example, are expected to address some important societal challenge or take advantage of some forward-looking technology opportunity, be informed by what is known about how people learn, and be aimed at strengthening and improving our understanding of how learning happens or how to foster learning or encourage and sustain engagement. Similarly, research activities in support of advancing understanding of learning and promoting generalizability and transferability of new types of learning technologies may be highly interconnected.

    While it is essential that proposed innovations have the potential to improve significantly on the status quo, proposals do not have to address any particular content, populations, or learning environments. There are no requirements for coverage of any particular content or skills, though support of learning in areas supported by NSF is encouraged. Learners may be of any age, and targeted learning environments may be formal or informal, traditional or non-traditional, collaborative or individual, or may combine or bridge several different types of learning venues.


    Janet Kolodner

    Janet Kolodner
    National Science Foundation
    4201 Wilson Blvd.
    Arlington, VA 22230
    (703) 292-8114


  • Eligibility Details

    Eligible applicants include:

    • Universities and Colleges
    • Non-profit,
    • non-academic
    • organizations
    • For-profit organizations
    • State and Local Governments
    • Unaffiliated Individuals

    Deadline Details

    Deadlines for projects are the following:

    Capacity-Building Projects (CAPs): Full Proposal Target Dates
    • December 1, 2014 and every first Monday in December, annually thereafter
    • March 27, 2015 and every last Friday in March, annually thereafter
    • July 31, 2015 and every last Friday in July, annually thereafter

    Exploration Projects (EXPs): Full Proposal Deadline Date

    • December 19, 2014 and every third Friday in December annually thereafter

    Development and Implementation Projects (DIPS): Full Proposal Deadline Date
    • January 19, 2015, and every third Monday annually thereafter

    Integration Projects (INTs):

    Letter of Intent Deadline Date

    • May 11, 2015 and every second Monday in May, annually thereafter

    Full Proposal Deadline Date

    • July 13, 2015 and every second Monday in July, annually thereafter

    Award Details

    The estimated number of awards is 21 to 34 contingent upon availability of funds, up to $18 million will be available in FY 2014 to fund proposals submitted in response to this solicitation. The intention is to fund 9 to 12 EXPs, 5 to 8 DIPs, 1 to 2 INTs, and 6 to 12 CAPs during FY 2014 in addition to participating in NSF's EAGER, INSPIRE, CAREER, and other Foundation-Wide programs. Funding in later years will be contingent on availability of funds in those years.

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts

    • Funding Classroom Technology to Empower Students and Teachers - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Maximizing Technology-friendly Workforce Development Grants - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Funding Data-driven Workforce Development Projects - Sponsored by NetApp - Playback Available


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