Grable Foundation (Pennsylvania)

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    Funder Type

    Private Foundation

    IT Classification

    C - Funds little to no technology


    Grable Foundation


    The Grable Foundation was established in 1976. The Foundation endeavors to improve the lives of children and youth in the greater Pittsburgh region. With attention to kids whose opportunities are limited due to economic circumstances, they support (a) early learning and development, (b) enhanced learning in public school classrooms, (c) out-of-school time learning, (d) family and caregiver learning and support, and (e) vibrant places that contribute positively to kids' learning and well-being:

    Early Childhood: Even before they start kindergarten, young children deserve to participate in rich learning experiences in high-quality settings, led by caring and well-trained adults. Parents should have access to the support they need to encourage their children's development.

    Public Schools: From pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade, schools should ignite students' interests, stretch their abilities, and set the path toward a successful future. Students, teachers, principals, superintendents, parents, and community members each play a crucial role in this process.

    Out-of-School Time: Children and youth should be able to choose from a variety of high-quality afterschool, summer, and mentoring programs that create vital opportunities for exploration, creativity, learning, and meaningful connections with caring adults.

    Families: Young people and their families should have easy and frequent access to innovative learning and play spaces, community resources that support their well-being, and celebrations and cultural events that delight them — all designed with kids in mind.

    Community: Children, families, and other caring adults should be able to draw upon a vibrant community of strong nonprofit organizations, capable leaders, and robust multimedia resources focused on helping them succeed.


    History of Funding

    Recent grants can be viewed at:

    Additional Information

    Please note that indirect/general overhead/administrative cost assessments, such as those typically expressed by percentage add-ons and often applied by educational, research, and other institutions cannot be included in the amount of any grants awarded. However, direct administrative grant expenses can be requested and will be considered if justified in the project budget.


    Grable Foundation Staff

    Grable Foundation Staff
    650 Smithfield Street,Suite 240
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222

  • Eligibility Details

    Eligible applicants are Pennsylvania non profit organizations. The foundation cannot accept proposals from organizations and schools outside of southwestern Pennsylvania (unless invited) or individuals.

    Deadline Details

    The Grable Foundation Board of Trustees meets three times per year in March, July, and November. All organizations applying to the Foundation should submit an online inquiry form (available on the Foundation website) describing their request prior to submitting a formal proposal. Inquiries should be submitted no later than January 1, April 10, or August 10, annually. Applications should then be submitted no later than February 1, May 10, or September 10, annually.

    Award Details

    Award amounts vary.

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts

    • Funding Classroom Technology to Empower Students and Teachers - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Maximizing Technology-friendly Workforce Development Grants - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Funding Data-driven Workforce Development Projects - Sponsored by NetApp - Playback Available


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