Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement

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    Funder Type

    Federal Government

    IT Classification

    B - Readily funds technology as part of an award


    Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)


    The purpose of this program is to support the planning and implementation of quality improvement activities for rural primary care providers or providers of health care services, such as critical access hospitals (CAH), rural health clinics (RHC), or a network of rural health providers, serving rural residents. The goal of the Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement Program is to promote the development of a quality improvement culture and the delivery of cost-effective, coordinated, culturally appropriate, and equitable health care services in rural primary care settings. Specifically, program objectives include increased care coordination, enhanced chronic disease management, and improved health outcomes for patients. An additional program goal is to prepare rural health care providers for quality reporting and pay-for-performance programs. In order to achieve these goals and objectives, applicants are required to use an evidence-based model or promising practice to demonstrate the following impact areas, by the end of the four-year period of performance: 1) Improved health outcomes, 2) Expanded capacity for essential health care services, and 3) Increased financial sustainability.

    Program activities include, but are not limited to, providing clinical health services for rural residents and conducting community health and prevention efforts for rural communities. Applicants are highly encouraged to address the underlying factors that are driving growing rural health disparities related to the five leading causes of avoidable death1, which are heart disease, cancer, unintentional injury/substance use, chronic lower respiratory disease, and stroke. Previous award recipients implemented a range of activities, such as coordinating care among network members, leveraging use of new Centers of Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) billing codes under standard fee-for-service Medicare supporting chronic care management, and integrating mental/behavioral health services into the rural primary care setting.


    History of Funding

    Approximately $4,150,000 was made available to fund up to 21 awards in FY18.

    Additional Information

    Although it is not a requirement, HRSA strongly encourages applicants to form a network and to consider including a RHC as a member in their proposal. Meeting the needs of rural communities relies on expanding our partnerships, expanding the reach of our impact on rural communities. As health care delivery becomes an increasingly collaborative environment, HRSA finds the formation of partnerships for community-based projects an effective way to meet rural community needs, enhance organizational roles, and expand critical health care services and rural delivery systems. Further, consortia and networks can contribute great value to quality improvement initiatives through leveraging shared resources, information, and participation in incentive programs rewarding health care professionals for the provision of preventive and quality care services.

    Funding under this program may be used to provide start-up funds for quality improvement initiatives that allow recipients to develop the necessary capacity and ability to obtain funding from other sources.


    Ann Ferrero

    Ann Ferrero

    (301) 443-3999
    (301) 443-2803

    Katherine Lloyd

    Katherine Lloyd


  • Eligibility Details

    Eligible applicants must be rural public or rural nonprofit private entities that deliver health care services in rural areas. Examples of eligible organizations include Rural Health Clinics (RHC), Critical Access Hospitals (CAH), and Federally Qualified Health Centers.

    Please note that all Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)-certified RHC and CAH are eligible. CAH can be found at this link: RHC can be found at this link:

    Organizations and/or consortia are not eligible if they have previously received a grant for the Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement Program for the same or a similar project. Current and former grantees of any FORHP community-based grant programs are eligible to apply if the proposed project is a new proposal (entirely new project) or an expansion or enhancement of the previous grant project.

    Deadline Details

    Applications are to be submitted by March 22, 2022. A similar deadline is anticipated biennially

    Award Details

    During the previous competition, $6,400,000 was available annually to fund approximately 32 grantees. Applicants could apply for a ceiling amount of up to $200,000 per year. The period of performance is August 1, 2019 through July 31, 2022 (3 years). Cost sharing was not required. Funding beyond the first year is dependent on the availability of appropriated funds for the Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement Program in subsequent fiscal years, satisfactory recipient performance, and a decision that continued funding is in the best interest of the Federal Government. 

    Note that future solicitations may have more funding available as the CARES Act appropriated $180 million to support HRSA rural health program across 6 programs through 2022:

    1. Rural Health Network Development Planning Program
    2. Rural Health Network Development (RHND) Grant Program
    3. Rural Health Care Services Outreach Program
    4. Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement Grants
    5. Telehealth Network Grant Program (TNGP)
    6. Telehealth Resource Center Grant Program (TRCGP)

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts


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